Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Smoky the new little Heifer

June 14, 2010. The second of our calves has arrived, and she had a tough time getting here. Larry had a trip to go on and I had a feeling Minnie, the smallest of the herd, was going to have a bad time birthing her calf. OF COURSE SHE WOULD. I'M HOME ALONE!!!! I had been checking on her and she was grazing like the others, then a thunderstorm happened in the afternoon, with wind and rain. It was really hot outside too, heat index in the triple digits. Around 3:30 pm I looked for Minnie and she was laying down, but she soon got up and I could see she was trying to have her baby. She would lay back down and I could see her pushing but the baby wouldn't come out. Just it's front hooves with a little of the legs and a bit of the nose was all that was out. I tried to call Larry's brother.... no answer, I called the neighbor who has helped his granddad-in-law pull calves.... no answer. I called Larry's other brother to see if the neighbor was at his house.... no answer. I called Marty to see if he was close by to help, no..... he's in Huntsville. BUT, he did have the neighbor's cell number so he called and asked him to come down and help me. Then Larry's brother called me back and said he would be over to help. Well, he made it just as the neighbor got the calf out. Minnie the mom, started to clean her baby off right away, and it wasn't long before Smoky the new little heifer was on her feet, wobbly, but up. She is grey in color, her mom is white, and her dad, Buddy, was a red color but looking more blackish now. These pictures was the only ones I have gotten so far. She sleeps a lot. In a few days she may get up more and run around with Stormy. That should be some good pictures!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Stormy the Calf

Well, the first new baby calf is finally here. And because of the thunderstorm we had last night, her name is....Stormy!!! She is pretty, I think. So here are some pictures of her taken at 6:30 am this morning, June 10, 2010. Larry just checked on her and she is already jumping around and bucking. I love to watch babies play, two legs or four legs, they are sooo cute.